Friday 13 May 2011

Dear Juliet,

So you probably know I'm a little obsessed with photography right now, learning everything I can, reading everything I can. Including blogs, and especially willette designs's blog. I did the Finding the Love exercises on there in February and got some amazing photos I treasure. Well, at the moment there's a challenge on there called right now, which is about capturing the random, but precious things about life. I want that so badly. I want you to be able to see these things, remember some of them, and I want to be able to do that, too.

So here's my photo I submitted this week:

It's not the sort of thing I think to photograph most of the time-- I do pumpkins and pine cones in the winter and autumn. It's spring now, time for flowers and bright colours and full bloom.

But you, my little love, found this one random pine cone in the park the other day and insisted we bring it home to show daddy. I love that-- your wonder and the beginnings of you thinking about yourself and your world in relation to other people. So we brought it home and you've kept it by your bed-- you insisted on bringing it to bed, and who was I to tell you no? Obviously, the prickly little "cone" didn't make it too long in your bed, and I can't blame you, but it's stayed right beside your bed except for the moments you bring it out to show me, daddy, Si, and anyone else, including waving it at people out the window. The way you cradle it and think it's a special treasure is wonderful. I hope you always love new things and nature like that, although I suspect (judging from the way you freak out over spiders, worms, and bits of random fluff floating in the air) that you'll be more of a city girl like your mama. I can dream, though.

Sleep tight next to your cone, my little seedling.

Love you right now,

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