Friday 6 May 2011

Dear Littles,

I'm so sorry to have neglected this so long. Life has taken over- one of you is very two with a strong temper and even stronger will. The other is growing by leaps and bounds suddenly-- close to crawling, sitting up, eating solids, and keeping me on my toes. We've had chicken pox, a holiday (yes, I took you both on an aeroplane to America on my own). I've spent more time than I can even account for cleaning and tidying and giving cuddles and snacks and trying to make sure you both have the richest experiences out of life. I hope I'm doing OK.

I feel a little daunted by the whole getting back into this, so I think maybe I'll just post a few things I'm loving at the moment and maybe a few photos to catch us up.

1. I love waking up with Simon in our bed. It's far from comfortable for me-- I end up lying on one side aching and balancing on the edge of the mattress, but I love the way you open your eyes for a second, see I'm still there and then drift back off, or grin at me once you're up for good.

2. I love Juliet's new thing of saying she "needs" stuff, like Cbeebies, Biscuits, and cuddles. What else could a person need?

3. I love that Juliet has discovered how to make a fake, cheesy smile.

4. I love that Simon is going longer between feeds (Hallelujiah!!), and love the moments in the night of sleepy nursing in the dark.

5. I love simultaneous naps.

6. I love seeing Si exploring new foods and tastes. We started with purees, mainly because we started early at the paediatrician's advice, but now you're picking things up and tasting them and chewing them and it's amazing to watch.

7. I love how you ask me for lotion, Juliet. Also that you think I can put it in your eyes.

8. I love how Juliet's saying Juliet King, Si King, Mummy King, and Daddy King. This melts me.

Of late, darlings, I've felt pretty happy. Busy beyond anything I can ever remember, but in a happy way. Like I'm doing something important and trying my best to enjoy every moment of it.

More to come soon.


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