Saturday 4 December 2010

Dear Simon

Dear Simon,
I just wanted to tell you, in case you read all of these references to the journey we had to have your sister-- you're not an oops baby. Don't ever let anyone call you that.

No, we weren't planning to have another baby so soon (or at all if you'd have asked me), but I honestly believe that God has these plans for us that we can't know about, but that bring us to where we're meant to be, and one of the things I'm meant to be is your mummy. After years ot trying to have Juliet, of being told we had less than a 5% chance of having a baby on our own without help, I was content with one child. I was thankful for her.

But long before any of that, daddy and I used to talk about the family we wanted and we said we wanted two children. I think God heard us.

When I found out I was pregnant with you, I was in shock. And I'll never forget what your dad said: "We're not that lucky-- it can't be true." It was, and we are and as soon as the shock wore off, something in me shifted and I suddenly knew that our family just wasn't complete before-- that you'd been missing, and I knew that you were meant to be. People said Juliet was our miracle baby, and she was, but so were you. How else can I explain the 95% odds against you happening?

And truthfully, I'm so glad you did. You were meant to be my son, meant to come into our family exactly when you did. That's about as far from an accident or oops as you can get.

All my love,

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