Wednesday 10 November 2010


A new start with blogging for me. I don't want to forget some of these precious moments and wonderful (and sometimes not-so-wonderful) thoughts and memories, so going to try to get them down in one place. For serious this time.

The star players in my blog:

1. Me. I'm Ellie. I'm a mum, an American ex-pat, a lover of photography, music, books, and coffee.
2. Steve. My husband. Brilliant musician, hard-working taxi driver. Lover of Cricket, Deadliest Catch and computer games. 

3. Juliet. My first child. Lover of In the Night Garden, sweets, the outdoors, and shoes.

3. Simon. My new man. Lover of boobs, swaddling, and bathtime.

That's our little family. We have a larger family, of course, who will be introduced I suppose as we go, but those are the three people who make up my little world right now. 

Hopefully more to come tomorrow.

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